Accredited Training Provider: Civil Service Commission, PhilGEPS
Contact Numbers (632) 8687-4645, 8687-3416
(0917) 6372471, (0912) 2231826, (0917) 1357279
You may also reach us through
Accredited Training Provider: Civil Service Commission, PhilGEPS
Contact Numbers (632) 8687-4645, 8687-3416
(0917) 6372471, (0912) 2231826, (0917) 1357279
You may also reach us through
HR Club President
Upskilling for the New Normal
We are going into the last month of 2020. I’m sure you are all looking forward to a better 2021. For our December issue, let’s explore how we can learn new skills and tools so we can adapt better in the new normal. Happy Holidays, Everyone!
Who provides the Training for HR Club Philippines? All training programs of HR Club Philippines are conducted by Business Maker Academy, Inc. who is an accredited learning provider for the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and the Philippine Government E-Procurement System (PHILGEPS). We offer training for individuals and group bookings. Feel free to contact us to enroll or get a quote.
IT Marketing Supervisor BMA-HR Club Ph
Do HR Club Members get discounts for Trainings? YES! Your paid HR Club membership includes exclusive discounts for our seminars and events. If you will be enrolling at Business Maker Academy, Inc., do ask if you can apply your HR Club Member discounts for additional savings.