Employee Discipline Course by Businessmaker Academy

Employee Discipline

“Creating a Culture of Positive Employee Discipline”

Live Zoom Webinar:  
Duration: 2 sessions x 4 hrs
Time: AM Sched = 8:30am-12:30pm  |  PM Sched = 1:30-5:30pm
Schedule 2025: Jan 16-17 (AM) | Jun 4-5 (AM) | Aug 4-5 (AM) | Dec 11-12 (AM)

Live Seminar: 
Duration: 2 days x 8 hrs
Time: 9am to 5pm
Schedule 2025: Mar 5-6 | Oct 30-31

Course Description

Disciplining employees is often perceived as unpleasant. To ensure that this is done properly, fairly and legally without drama, it is important to have an effective disciplinary policy and practice in the organization. This course answers these important questions such as: How do you set up a system where it is fair, just and legal for both employers & employees? What tools or documents are needed to effectively implement employee discipline? How do you correct and manage employees in a positive and objective manner? What is the legal process for dealing with resignations, dismissals and terminations? How do you solve employee problems effectively?

Performance Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to discipline employees in a positive and objective manner. Participants will learn how to comply and practice due process in correcting employees as well as dealing with resignations, dismissals and terminations.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, the participants shall be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of positive employee discipline in the workplace
  • Comply with legal obligations and due process for employers
  • Observe legal processes on disciplinary actions and employee dismissals
  • Explore common behavior issues and adopt best practices in employee discipline
  • Identify steps in establishing an effective system for employee discipline
Course Topic Highlights
  1. Basics of Employee Discipline
  2. Benefits of Workplace Discipline
  3. Common Behavior Issues
  4. Characteristics of Effective Discipline
  5. Legal Perspective of Employee Discipline
  6. Management Prerogative
  7. Security of Tenure
  8. Regular vs. Non-Regular Employees
  9. Employee Handbook
  10. Legal & HR Processes of Termination & Resignation
  11. Just Causes and Authorized Causes of Termination
  12. Exit Interview
  13. Steps to Take When an Employee Resigns
  14. Human Resource Perspective of Discipline
  15. The Role of Supervisor
  16. Coaching & Counselling
  17. Positive Contacts & Rewards
  18. Performance Improvement & Evaluation
  19. Progressive Approach to Discipline
  20. The Discipline System
  21. Management Training
Who Should Attend?

HR Managers, Specialists & Officers, Administrative Managers & Officers, Department Heads, Senior Managers and Business Owners.

Php4,500 + VAT
Php8,500 + VAT
  • Live Webinars are conducted via Zoom and includes eCertificate of Completion. Printed Certificates may be requested with minimal processing fee of Php100 plus shipping fee.
  • Live Seminars will be held at Businessmaker Training Center in PSEC-Tektite, Ortigas Center, Pasig City. Regular Seminars include: Certificate of Completion, Seminar Kit, Meals and Drinks.
  • Live Seminars include non-transferable one-time refresher seminar session within one year.

You may pay via check at our office or you may use any of these payment facilities:  

Bank Deposit
We accept bank deposits:

Bank Account Name: Business Maker Academy, Inc.

Bank Account Numbers:
BPI SA# 4013-0306-64
BDO SA# 000-280-622-422
Landbank CA# 3732114830
Paypal/Credit Card

We accept paypal or credit card payments.  If you wish to use this payment method, pls register and click on paypal as your mode of payment.  Our representatives will contact you to provide our official paypal link and assist you in processing payment.


We accept payments via e-wallets, credit card, online banking or over-the-counter payment centers via Dragonpay. Pls register and choose Dragonpay payment method. Our representative will contact and provide you with our Dragonpay link and assist in processing. 


We accept Gcash payments. Pls register and pay using this QR code. 


Please send your proof of payment and include your name, course & class date to:
Viber#: (0912) 2231826 or

Email: info@businessmaker-academy.com

Important Note: Business Maker Academy Inc. is a VAT-registered company. TIN# 223-672-691-000 VAT. For zero rated or VAT exempt companies, please include your Certificate of Exemption. Provide Form 2307 or Certificate of Tax Withheld if payment done with tax withheld. Please withhold only 2% as we are classified as suppliers or contractors of service.All bank payments should be directly deposited to our official company bank accounts only under account name:

Business Maker Academy, Inc. Please be advised that no other individual/personal bank account is authorized to collect payment on behalf of the company..

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