How to Keep Your Hope Alive during the Pandemic Crisis

How do you find Hope in the time of COVID-19? 
Hint:  the answer is found in our humanity.  Read on to tap into this hidden power.

A lot of things have changed during this pandemic crisis. Most of these changes were done in order to deal with the current situation and to prevent possible risks of more outbreaks. Although the intentions for these changes are generally good, negative thoughts seem inevitable and feelings of hopelessness may happen.  This is due to the fact that everyone’s lives had been abruptly disrupted by the pandemic.

Suddenly forced by the circumstances to change our daily routine, many workers had to  transition to work from home.  Others have even lost their jobs or experienced reduced work week, so there is an urgent need to find additional  sources of income.  Meanwhile, children are getting educated online at home. Needless to say, adapting to these changes is challenging since there is a lot to be considered from its viability to it’s sustainability.  And in a problematic situation such as this, keeping our hope alive is essential to our survival. 

So how can we keep our hope alive during this pandemic crisis?  Here are some thoughts…


During a pandemic crisis there are a lot of things going on and people forget the importance of being silent. People tend to spend their time by adding to the chaos around them. They prefer spreading fake news and bashing those people opposing their side. Although it is important to be heard, it is also important to listen and be silent.  What is the point of an argument where nobody wants to listen? Never ending arguments will not contribute anything to stop the spread of the virus and its consequences. Arguments do not bring hope, it adds to the chaos. To bring hope, people must reflect on their actions and seek solace in silence or in prayer. In silence, it is much easier to breathe from the stress of life. It is easier to notice which voices must be heard. 


The pandemic lockdown has limited our daily routine to indoor activities.  This causes feelings of loneliness and isolation hindering us from attaining our personal needs of affection from our loved ones. Socializing might be possible online but we also need to entertain ourselves by proactively initiating healthy activities that will nourish our mind, body, heart and soul. Scheduling healthy activities, such as indoor walking exercises, watching uplifting movies or television series, chatting with family and friends, organizing your home or files, learning and reading will allows us to feel hopeful and productive.


Someone, somewhere has it worse than you.  Although we do not wish ill of others, take comfort in knowing that you are far better off than others.  Be grateful that you still have a roof over your head, family to love and a life to live.  When you are grateful for the little things everyday, you will find joy and hope.  This will sustain you while waiting for the pandemic to end.  So find at least 3 things you can be thankful for daily and celebrate it, no matter how small.  That is where hope begins.


In order to get through this tough situation we are in, it is important to recognize which aspects in our lives we have control over. We may wish to protect those we love from the virus but we can only do so much. Understanding our own limitations can make us feel at ease about certain negative emotions such as fear and uncertainty. We will realize that there is no reason to blame ourselves as long as we take safety precautions seriously. Eventually, we will discover a more optimistic perspective that turns our current struggles into challenges for personal growth. 


When we think about humanity, what words usually come to mind? Are humans chaotic? or Selfish?  A pandemic crisis, can be seen as a chance for us to prove what humanity is all about. We are all in a situation that must be more about “us” or “we” rather than “you” or “me”. Survival of the fittest must not be our mentality. This is because our actions are more likely to affect other people than you think. Just by simply hoarding goods or buying more than what is necessary for a selfish reason would severely affect others. Our needs are much more similar to what others need, thus, helping must be a unifying act not out of personal interests. Hope will be most evident when it is shared by human to human.


By understanding and acting towards personal and societal needs, hope can be kept alive during a pandemic crisis. Each one of us can be a source of hope. We should look at every decision that we make in a wider perspective, not just for our own selves but more for our community. Hope depends on the extent of humanity’s collective effort towards a solution. So let’s give each other hope during this pandemic crisis so that we can all survive and eventually thrive again.

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